La expresión escrita o “writing” es una habilidad que requiere preparación y práctica si deseas obtener el certificado del Aptis General. Anteriormente ya vimos la información general sobre el examen de Aptis General que permite obtener un certificado oficial de B2.
Hoy vamos a profundizar en la parte del writing (las partes que lo componen, ejercicios para practicar y recursos para corregir tus propios textos desde casa).
¿Que partes componen el examen de Writing y cuánto dura?
El examen de Writing está compuesto por 4 ejercicios y tiene una duración total de 50 minutos. Los ejercicios parten de un nivel de dificultad básico (A1) hasta un nivel (B2 – C). El examen se realiza en un ordenador.
¿Como demostrar un nivel B2 o incluso C?
En el examen de Writing los ejercicios son bastante similiares. La diferencia radica en demostrar que manejas estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario propio de un nivel alto. Por ejemplo: “false friends” usados correctamente, oraciones compuestas, “phrasal verbs”,…
Ejercicios del Writing – Aptis General
Preguntas simples
El primer ejercicio consiste en rellenar un formulario con 5 preguntas simples. Las respuestas deben ser de 1 a 5 palabras. Dispones de 3 minutos para su resolución y corresponde a un nivel A1 – A2. Este ejercicio es el que menor valor tiene dentro del examen. Mencionar que este ejercicio antes tenia un formato distinto en el examen de Aptis.
Ejemplo 1:
- What ‘s your full name?:
- When do you born?
- Where do you live?
- What is your first language?
- What hobbies do you practise? (list 3)
Ejemplo 2:
- Which country are you from?
- Where do you live?
- What time is it?
- How was your day?
- Can you dance well?
Ejemplo 3:
- What is your favourite color?
- What do you do?
- Where are you from?
- How do you commute to work?
- What is your favorite time of the year?
En este ejercicio es importante prestar atención a la ortografía y escribir correctamente mayúsculas, minúsculas,…
Intereses y experiencias
El segundo ejercicio se menciona que eres miembro de un club (de deportes, lectura,…) y se te pregunta sobre tus intereses o una cuestión relacionada con la temática. Debes escribir entre 20 y 30 palabras y dispones de 7 minutos. La puntuación máxima es de Ejemplo:
You are a member a sports club. Fill in the form. Write the sentences. Use 20 – 30 words. You have 7 minutes.
Please tell us about the days and times you can come and activities you enjoy.
Responder a una red social
En el tercer ejercicio estás participando en una red social (como Whatsapp, Facebook…) y debes responder tres preguntas. Debes escribir entre 30 y 40 palabras por respuesta y dispones de 10 minutos.
Ejemplo 1: You are talking to other teachers at the teaching conference in the conference chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words for each answer. You have 10 minutes.
Teaching Conference Chat Room
- In what ways do you think attending conferences helps you become a better teacher?
- How would you feel about giving a presentation at a teacher ‘s conference? What would you speak about?
- What was the reason you decided to become a teacher?
Ejemplo 2: You are a member of a sports club.
- Hi! I hear you are a new member of our club. I have been a member for about 2 years after my friend gave me a year’s membership as a gift. Why did you join?
- I love it. How do you feel about the club?
- I agree. What do you think about the swimming pool closing?
Ejemplo 3: You are a new member of Elderly Care Volunteer Organization. You’re talking to Kate in the new member chat room.
- Hello. I see you’re new to our organization. I’ve been a member for nearly three years now. Why did you decide to join?
- What skills and experience do you want to develop?
- How much time can you really commit?
Es importante demostrar en este ejercicio un nivel alto de vocabulario y de gramática. No se trata de escribir formalmente sino de forma informal.
Email formal y email informal
La última parte es la que lleva más tiempo y en la que puedes demostrar mejor un nivel alto de inglés. Debes escribir un email formal y uno informal relacionados con una misma temática. Dispones de 10 minutos y 50 palabras para el informal y 20 minutos y entre 120 y 150 palabras para el formal. Ejemplo:
You are a member of a travel club. You received this e-mail from the club.
Dear Member,
We are writing to tell you that the famous writer Mr David Price will unfortunately not be able to attend our next club meeting. Although Mr Price will not be there to sign copies of his new book. Around The World In Eighty Ways, members of the club will be able to buy a copy at the price of twenty five pounds. If you would like to reserve a copy of the book, please contact the club secretary.
- Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about you feelings and what you are planning to do. Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.
- Write an e-mail to the secretary of the club. Write about your feelings and what would like to do. Write 120 -150 words. You have 20 minutes.
Si quieres saber como escribir un email formal e informal os dejo los enlaces en palabra correspondiente.
Ejercicios para practicar Writing – Aptis General
Email informal
- You have some British friends in the UK, and you stayed with them for a week last month. Write an email to say thank you.
- You have got a new job. Write an email to a friend explaining your good news.
- You read about a missing girl in a newspaper. Write an email to a friend summarising the story.
- Your mobile phone company has changed your contract without letting you know. Write an email to a friend telling your problem and asking for advice.
Email formal
- Write a email of complaint about something you bought online.
- You have decided to eat a healthier diet. Write an email to a nutritionist asking for advice.
- You are concerned about global warming. Write an email to the mayor of your city suggesting improvements.
- Last week you had a bad experience in an expensive hotel. When you get home you decide to write an email to complain.
Recursos para corregir textos escritos
- Corrector de ortografía y gramática
- Languagetool: Corrector de estilo, gramático y ortográfico de textos
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