Aptis for Teachers es una prueba que permite certificar hasta un nivel C de Inglés. Su estructura y ejercicios son similares al Aptis General, salvo que el vocabulario está relacionado con el mundo de la educación. Aquí os dejo una lista de vocabulario de nivel avanzado relacionado con este tema. Al final encontrarás ejercicios de vocabulario para practicar.

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Vocabulario de educación

  • Academic (n.,adj.) : académico
  • Biased (adj.): parcial
  • Curriculum (n.): currículo
  • Distance learning (n.): aprendizaje a distancia
  • Gather (v.): reunir
  • Graduate (v., n.) : graduarse, graduado
  • Grasp (v.): entender
  • Ignorant (adj.): Ignorante
  • Intellectual (n, adj): intelectual
  • Intelligent (adj.): inteligente
  • Intensive (adj.): intensivo
  • Knowledgeable (adj.): experto
  • Lecture (n.): conferencia, explicación, sermón
  • Mental arithmetic (n.): cálculo mental
  • Misapprehension (n): error
  • Mock exam (n.): examen simulado
  • Plagiarise (v): plagiar
  • Perspective (n): perspectiva
  • Self-study ability (n): capacidad de autoaprendizaje
  • Special needs(n): necesidades especiales
  • Tuition (n.): matrícula

Phrasal verbs and collocations

  • Brush up (on): Repasar
  • Figure out: Resolver, descifrar para
  • Focus on: Enfocarse
  • Make out: Entender
  • Mull over: Meditar sobre
  • Puzzle out: Descifrar
  • Raise the question: Haz la pregunta
  • Take into consideration: Tomar en consideración
  • Take the view that: Considera que…
  • Think through: Considerar detalladamente
  • Think up: Idear, inventar (una excusa)


  • Have your wits about you: Ser capaz de pensar rápidamente, mantener la calma y tomar decisiones con sentido.- You’ve  got to have your wits about you when you’re teaching the students with hyperactivity.
  • Put two and two together: Poner dos y dos juntos – I put two and two together and realized that the student has learning problems.
  • Quick/slow on the uptake: Rápido/lento en la captación – The student is very quick on the uptake, so I suspect she is gifted.

Ejercicios de vocabulario

1. Find a word with a meaning similar to the target word.

  1. Biased
  2. Gather
  3. Grasp
  4. Tuition
  5. Lecture

  • a) Meet
  • b) Register
  • c) Explanation
  • d) Partial
  • e) Understand

Answers: 1d – 2a – 3e – 4b – 5c

2. Match a definition with the correct word

  1. Classes taught through your computer is____
  2. Students with serious learning difficulties have ____
  3. A person who knows everything about a subject is______
  4. An exam to practice what you have learned is a ____
  5. Performing mathematical operations without paper or pencil is _____

  • a) Knowledgeable
  • b) Distance learning
  • c) Mock exam
  • d) Special needs
  • e) Mental arithmetic

Answers: 1b – 2d – 3a – 4c – 5e

3. Complete a sentence by choosing the correct word. Verbs may need to be conjugated.

  1. Failure to output a problem indicates there is a ______ in calculating.
  2. If you do not pronounce better they won’t ______ what you say
  3. I asked the student and he _____ an excuse.
  4. I ______ the student’s effort to correct each exam
  5. I decided to _____ how to talk to the parents
  • a) Mull over
  • b) Misaprehension
  • c) Make out
  • d) Think up
  • e) Think through

Answers: 1b – 2c – 3d – 4e – 5a